
HTML File Path

The location of a file inside a web folder structure is specified by its file path. It functions similarly to a file's address in facilitating web browser file access. To link to external resources like pictures, videos, etc., use file paths.


<img src = "... "  alt =" ">

Example for File Path 

<img src ="image.png">
<img src ="downloads/image.png">
<img src = "/downloads/image.png">
<img src= "../image.png">

What are the file paths in HTML?

A file path specifies the location of a file within the folder structure of a website. 

When linking to external files, file paths such as:
  • Web pages
  • Images
  • Style sheets
  • JavaScripts

Types of File path in HTML

File paths are of two types:
  • Absolute File Paths. 
  • Relative File Paths.

Absolute File Paths:

The complete URL (address) of the file path to access an internet file is known as the absolute file path.

Relative File Paths:

The path of the file in relative to the current web page's location is described by the relative file path.

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