Being BENI24

HTML Layout Element

Html Layout refers to the structure and organization of the elements  within html.Here are some techniques for creating HTML LAYOUT, 

The term HTML layout describes how a web page is organised, which is accomplished by using elements such as <header>, <nav>, <main>, <footer>, <section>, and <article>. 

These components in the structure and organisation of content on a website, as well as in defining the sections of the page and improving accessibility and SEO. It facilitates easy navigation on the website.

HTML Layout Elements:

<header>: Web pages can have a header section added by using the <header> tag. The area used at the top of the page in the front end.
Through the use of hyperlinks, the content information is displayed. The navigation bar is the same as the menu list. The navigation section of web pages is added using <nav> tag.
The main area where content is shown is called the content section.The <main> tag is used to add the webpage's primary content.

The contact details and other web page-related queries are located in the footer section. On web pages, the footer is set by the <footer> tag.

In HTML, a stand-alone section of content is represented by the <section> tag. Go to HTML <section> for more information.

In HTML, a reusable and self-contained piece of content is represented by the <article> tag.

It defines content aside from the content like a sidebar using <aside> tag.

Defines additional details that the user can open and close on demand.


<!DOCTYPE html>
      <title>First Webpage</title>
      <header style="background-color: #00ffff;height: 60px;width: 100%">
      <h1 style="font-size: 30px; color: black;text-align: center; padding-top: 15px;">Header of MyWebpage</h1>


Uses of HTML Layout:

  1. Responsive design
  2. Structuring content
  3. Readability and user experience
  4. separation of  concerns
  5. Search engine optimization (SEO)
  6. Dynamic content
  7. Consistency across pages
  8. Accessibility
  9. Navigation

Supported Browser:

Google Chrome
Microsoft Edge

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