Format Specifier In C
In C programming, a format specifier is a string utilized in formatted
input and output functions. The format string, crucial in determining the
presentation of input and output, invariably commences with a '%'
The Following Are Commonly Used Format Specifiers In The printf() Function
- %d or %i: Used to display signed integer values. A signed integer can encompass both positive and negative values.
- %u: Employed for presenting unsigned integer values. An unsigned integer, in this context, can only hold positive values.
- %o: Outputs the octal representation of an unsigned integer. Octal integer values always commence with a '0'.
- %x: Prints the hexadecimal representation of an unsigned integer. Hexadecimal integer values commence with '0x', and alphabetical characters are in lowercase (e.g., a, b, c).
- %X: Similar to %x, but with uppercase alphabetical characters (e.g., A, B, C).
- %f: Used for printing decimal floating-point values. By default, it displays six values after the decimal point.
- %e/%E: Outputs values in scientific notation, also known as Mantissa or Exponent.
- %g: Presents decimal floating-point values using fixed precision, ensuring that the value after the decimal in the input is exactly the same as in the output.
- %p: Displays the address in hexadecimal form.
- %c: Outputs an unsigned character.
- %s: Prints strings.
- %ld: Utilized to display long signed integer values.
Example Of Format Specifiers In C
Let as consider format specifiers in detailed example:
1. Program To Using %d And %i In printf:
#include <stdio.h>
//int value to print using %d & %i
int main(){
int a=10;
printf("using %%d to print a=%d\n",a);
printf("using %%i to print a=%i\n",a);
using %d to print a=10
using %i to print a=10
2. Program To Using %X Print The Int Value In Hexadecimal
int main(){
//print hexadecimal value of a using %X
int a=11;
printf("using %%X hexadecimal of a =%X\n",a);
printf("using %%#X hexadecimal of a =%#X\n",a);
using %X hexadecimal of a =B
using %#X hexadecimal of a =0XB
3. Program To All Format Specifier
#include <stdio.h>
int main() {
int integerVar = 42;
unsigned int unsignedVar
= 99;
char charVar = 'A';
float floatVar = 3.14;
double doubleVar =
long longVar = 123456789;
// Using %d to print a signed integer
printf("Signed Integer: %d\n", integerVar);
// Using %u to print an unsigned integer
printf("Unsigned Integer: %u\n", unsignedVar);
// Using %c to print a character
printf("Character: %c\n", charVar);
// Using %f to print a float
printf("Float: %f\n", floatVar);
// Using %lf to print a double
printf("Double: %lf\n", doubleVar);
// Using %ld to print a long integer
printf("Long Integer: %ld\n", longVar);
// Using %x to print an integer in hexadecimal
printf("Hexadecimal (lowercase): %x\n", integerVar);
// Using %X to print an integer in hexadecimal
printf("Hexadecimal (uppercase): %X\n", integerVar);
// Using %e to print a float in scientific
printf("Scientific Notation: %e\n", floatVar);
// Using %g to print a float in a compact format
printf("Compact Format: %g\n", floatVar);
// Using %p to print the address of a variable
printf("Address: %p\n", (void*)&integerVar);
// Using %s to print a string
printf("String: %s\n", "Hello, World!");
return 0;
Signed Integer: 42
Unsigned Integer: 99
Character: A
Float: 3.140000
Double: 2.718280
Long Integer: 123456789
Hexadecimal (lowercase): 2a
Hexadecimal (uppercase): 2A
Scientific Notation: 3.140000e+00
Compact Format: 3.14
Address: 0x7ffd50b4ae4c
String: Hello, World!
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