
JavaScript Comment

JavaScript comments are a valuable tool for conveying messages. They provide additional information, warnings, or suggestions to help others easily understand the code.

JavaScript comments are ignored by the JavaScript engine embedded in the browser.

Advantages of JavaScript Comments

JavaScript comments offer two main advantages.

1. It helps make the code easier to   understand by providing explanations,   allowing others to interpret the code more   easily.

2. To prevent unnecessary code execution,   comments can be used to disable code   without deleting it. This is useful when you   want to temporarily disable certain actions   in the code but may need to enable them   again later.

Types of  JavaScript Comments 

JavaScript has two types of comments.

1. Single line comment.

2. Multi line comment.

JavaScript  Single  line  comment 

It is indicated by two forward slashes (//).

It can be placed either before or after the statement.

Example 1

Let's look at an example of a single-line comment placed before the statement.


// Print a message to the console
console.log("Hello GoCourse");


Let's look at an example of a single-line comment added after the statement.

Example 2

Here is an example:


var x = 5; // declare a variable x with value 5
console.log(x); // print the value of x to the console


JavaScript multi line comment 

It can be used for both single-line and multi-line comments, making it more versatile.

It is represented by a forward slash followed by an asterisk and ending with an asterisk followed by a forward slash. For example:

Example 1

/* This is a multi line comment*/

It can be placed before, after, or in the middle of a statement.

Example 2

Here are some examples:


/* This is a comment */ 
alert("Hello GoCourse");


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