
Introduction To Python

Python is a high-level programming language. It is object oriented. It is simple to learn.

Python Language Had Been Used By:

  • Google
  • youtube

Who Developed Python Programming:

                                            Guido van rossum created Python programming in the 1990s, and the first version was released in 1991. The name Python came from the BBC television show "Monty Python's Flying Circus," which he loved a lot. He also wanted something short, unique, and mysterious for his invention, so he named it Python.

How To Download:

                 1. Available at

                   2. Click download button

                   3. Click download python 3.10.7 .Python latest version will be downloaded.
                     4. After installation, 
It opens python command line screen.

Example: Type print(“welcome to GOCOURSE”)


Python Real World Applications:

  1. Web Development
  2. Game Development 

Python shell:

           IDLE full form (integrated development and learning environment ).Write python coding / script using python IDLE.

How To Open Python Idle:

  • To open python idle command line screen, Go to start -> click IDLE (python 3.10 64-bit).

  • Click open button.

  • Click new file.

How To Save File:

  • Click file.


  • Select your location extensions Click save or Ctrl+S.

Example: Type print("welcome to python course") 

Click to run.

Click “Run module” or “f5”


More topic in Python

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