Control Structures

Control structure is also known as control flow  simply refers to the order in which the instructions are executed in the program. Control statement is the statement which determines the flow of control in a program.

Types Of Control Statements:

There are fundamentally three types of control statement in python .They are:

               1. Selection statement

               2. Iterative statement

               3. Sequential statement

1. Selection  Statement:

Selection statement is a decision making in programming language. It can allows to run the particular block of the code on decision made by verifying the given condition. Selection statement is also called as conditional statement.

In python supports three types of decision making statements. They are:

                1.  if statement

                2. else statement

                3. Switch statement

2. Iterative Statement:

Iterative statement are used when some block of code to be executed repeatedly  until a given condition is satisfies. 

Python supports 2 types of loops are,

               1. For loop

               2. While loop

               3. Do while loop

3. Sequential Statement:

Sequential statement is also called as jump statement.

There are two type of sequential statements:
  • break statement
  • continue statement

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