Operators in Java:

 Java provides many types of operators. They are classified into several types they are:

  1. Arithmetic Operators
  2. Assignment Operators
  3. Relational Operators
  4. Logical Operators
  5. Ternary Operators
  6. Bitwise Operators
  7. Shift Operators

Arithmetic Operators: 

They are used to perform simple arithmetic operations on primitive data types. 
 + - Addition
 – - Subtraction
 •  - Multiplication
 /  - Division
 % - Modulus

Assignment Operators: 

Assignment operator '=' is used to assigning a value to any variable. It has a right to left associativity.

The general format of the assignment operations:

+=, adding left operand 
-=,  subtracting right operand 
*=,  multiplying left operand 
/=,  dividing left operand 
%=,assigning modulus left operand

Relational Operators: 

   These operators are used to check for relations like equality, greater than, and less than.  

Some of the relational operators are:

==, Equal to 
!=, Not Equal to 
<, less than
<=, less than or equal to
>, Greater than
>=, Greater than or equal to

 Logical Operators:

These operators are used to perform “logical AND” and “logical OR” operations. Used extensively to test for several conditions for making a decision. Java also has “Logical NOT”, which returns true when the condition is false and vice-versa.

Ternary operators: 

 Ternary operator is a shorthand version of the if-else statement. It has three operands and hence the name ternary.

 Bitwise Operators:

These operators are used to perform the manipulation of individual bits of a number. 

 &, Bitwise AND operator.
 |, Bitwise OR operator.
 ^, Bitwise XOR operator.
~, Bitwise Complement Operator: This is a unary operator 

 Shift Operators:

These operators are used to shift the bits of a number left or right, thereby multiplying or dividing the number by two, respectively. They can be used when we have to multiply or divide a numbers.

<<, Left shift operator 
>>, Signed Right shift operator
>>>, Unsigned Right shift operator.
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