Polymorphism means 'one name,multiple forms'. It can be broadly classified into two categories as shown
👉🏻Compile time polymorphism
* Function overloading
* Operator overloading
👉🏻Run time polymorphism
* Virtual functions
Compile-time polymorphism
Compile-time polymorphism simply means that an object is bound to its function call at the compile time.
That means, ther is no ambiguity at the compile time about which a function is to be linked to a particular function's call. This mechanism is called early binding or static binding or static linking.
In C++, compile-time polymorphism is achieved in two ways: function overloading and operator overloading.
Need for Run-time Polymorphism
This is where run-time polymorphism is very useful.It defers the linking of a function call to a particular class much later. at run-time.
It is not know which Function will be invoked till an object actually makes the function call during the program's execution. This process is refferred as late or dynamic binding..