
Variable In C

  • C programming, a variable is a named storage location in memory that can hold a value of a specific data type.
  • variables are containers for storing data values, like numbers and characters.
  • When a variable is declared in C, the compiler sets aside a block of memory for that variable with the specific size of its data type. 
  • The memory address of the variable is used to access its value during the program execution.
  • Variables in C can be different data types such as integer, float, character, double, etc. 
  •  int - it can stores integers like whole numbers


type variableName = value;

To declare a variable in C, you need to specify its data type and a name for the variable.

For example:To declare an integer variable named x, you would use the following statement:

For example: int x;

This statement declares a variable named x of type int. You can then assign a value to the variable using the assignment operator =. 

For example: x = 10;
This assigns the value 10 to the variable x. You can also declare and initialize a variable in a single statement.

For example: int x = 10;
This declares a variable named x of type int and initialize it with the value 10.


int main(){
int num = 10;
float num1=20.0;
char letter='A';
printf("The value of num is: %d\n", num);
printf("The value of float num1 is: %f\n", num1);
printf("The character is: %c\n", letter);
return 0;


The value of num is: 10
The value of float num1 is:20.000000
The character is:A

There are many types of variables in c:

  1. Local variable. 
  2. Global variable.
  3. Static variable.
  4. Non Static variable.
  5. Automatic variable.
  6. External variable.

Local Variable:

A local variable is one that is defined within the scope of a function or block. It is necessary to declare a local variable at the beginning of the respective block or function.


void fun(){
    int a=23; // local variable
    printf("Value of a is: %d \n",a);
int main() {


Value of a is: 23

Global Variable:

A global variable is a variable declared outside any specific function or block. Any function in the program can modify the value of this variable, and it remains accessible to all functions. The global variable needs to be declared at the beginning of the program.



// Declare a global variable outside any function
int global_variable = 10;

 // Function that uses the global variable
void printGlobalVariable() {
    printf("Global variable value: %d\n", global_variable);
// Main function
int main() {
    // Call the functions
    return 0;


Global variable value: 10

Static Variable:

A static variable is one that uses the "static" keyword when declared. Unlike other variables, it keeps its value even when the function it's in finishes running. This means the variable remembers its value for the next time the function is called.


void fun()
static int y=5;
printf("y= %d\n",y);
int main()



Non Static Variable:

In C, a non-static variable is a variable that doesn't use the "static" keyword when declared. These variables are often referred to as automatic or local variables, and they are created and initialized each time the block or function in which they are declared is entered. They have a limited scope and lifetime, existing only within the block or function where they are defined.


 void fun()
 int y=5;
 printf("y= %d\n",y);
 int main()



Automatic Variable:

In C, when you declare a variable inside a block (like a function or a set of curly braces), it's automatically treated as an "automatic variable." You don't need to use any special keywords for this to happen. However, if you want to be explicit, you can use the "auto" keyword.



// Function prototype
void exampleFunction();

int main() {
    // x is an automatic variable by default
    int x = 10;

    // Explicitly declaring y as an automatic variable
    auto int y = 20;

    // Print values of x and y
    printf("x: %d\n", x);
    printf("y: %d\n", y);

    // Call another function

    return 0;

 // Another function using automatic variables
void exampleFunction() {
    // z is an automatic variable
    int z = 30;

    // Print the value of z
    printf("z: %d\n", z);



External Variable:

In C, if you want to share a variable across multiple source files, you can use an external variable. To declare an external variable, you use the "extern" keyword.

Program: main file

// File: main.c
// Declaration of external variable
extern int sharedVariable;

int main() {
  // Accessing the external variable
  printf("Value of sharedVariable in main.c: %d\n", sharedVariable);

  // Modifying the external variable
  sharedVariable = 42;

  // Calling a function from another file that uses the external variable

  return 0;

Program: External file

// File: external.c
 // Definition of external variable
int sharedVariable;

// Function using the external variable
 void externalFunction() {
 // Accessing the external variable
 printf("Value of sharedVariable in external.c: %d\n", sharedVariable);

Compile command:

gcc main.c external.c -o myprogram


Value of sharedVariable in main.c: 0
Value of sharedVariable in external.c: 42

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