Functions In C

  • Sets of statements known as functions accept inputs, carry out specific processes, and return outcomes.
  • Only when a function is invoked does it begin to function. 
  • We can call the function rather than continually writing the same code for various inputs.


void function_name(void)
    // function body

Types Of  Functions:

User-Defined Function:

  • These are the functions that are created by the programmer to perform specific tasks.
  •  The programmer can define the function according to their requirements and use it in their program.
  •  You can also create functions as per your need and user can use it many times. Such functions created by the user are known as user-defined functions.

Library Function:

  • Using library functions in the program can save time and effort these functions are already implemented and tested. 
  • It is important to understand the functionality and limitations of these functions to use them effectively in the program.
  • Library function are the functions which are declared in the C header files such as scanf(), printf(), gets(), floor() etc.

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