Fazzey's world

HTML Intoduction

  • HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language.
  • HTML was created by Berners-Lee in 1993. 
  • HTML is the standard markup language for Web pages.
  • HTML can create your own Website.
  • Html is a text type format and easy to Understand.


HTML was developed with defining the structure of documents like headings, paragraphs, images, lists, etc.. HTML is being widely used text code format to web pages with the help of different tags available in HTML language.

Basic Explanation:

    1.   <!DOCTYPE html>
                 It defines that this document is an HTML5 document.
     2.   <html>
                This element is a root element for a html page.
     3.   <head>
                 It contains meta information about the HTML page.
     4.   <title>
                 It specifies the title for the HTML page,It shown in the browser's title bar.
     5.   <body>
                 It defines the document body for all the contents such as heading, paragraph,                         table, images, etc..
     6.   <h1>
                 It is used for large heading with different sizes.
     7.   <p>
                 It  defines a paragraph.


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <title>HTML Program</title>
  <p>Welcome to our GOCOURSE Website.</p>


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