
PHP Introduction

        PHP, which stands for Hypertext Preprocessor, is a popular server-side scripting language primarily used for web development. Php is a programming language used to create website and web application. Its behind the scenes to make websites and interactive and dynamic.with PHP, developer can build forms, interact with database, and perform various tasks to enhance the user experience on the web.Php is free to download and useW

What is php file

  • Php files are script files written in php programming language.
  • Php files typically have a. "php"extension.
  • Php files can contain a mix of php code, HTML, CSSand JavaScript.
  • Php can process user input from forms on website.

Why sholud we use php

Ease of use:

      Php is relatively easy to learn and use, especially for beginners.

Open source:

      Php is open source language, which means it is free to use, distribute and modify.

Platform independence:

       Php runs on various platform like Windows , Linuxand macOS.

Interaction database :

       Php has extensive support for interacting with database, allowing easy integration with varoius database management system.

Fast development :

       Php enable faster development of web application,reducing development time

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