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HTML Formatting

  • HTML Formatting is a process that allows us to format text to increase its visual appeal.
  • Various HTML tags can change how text appears on a web page and make the text attractive.  
  • We can use HTML text formatting tags to bold, italic, underlined text, and do more.

HTML Formatting Elements

<i> -  Italic text
<em> - Emphasized text
<b> - Bold text 
<strong> - Important text
<sub> - Subscript text  
<sup> - Superscript text
<mark> - Marked text

HTML <b> And <strong> Elements:

Bold: In HTML <b> element defines bold text. The <b> tag is a physical markup element, but do not add semantic importance.

Strong: HTML use the <b>...</b> tags or <strong>...</strong> tags. Both the tag have the same functioning but <strong> tag adds semantic strong importance to the text.


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <p>Bold text</p>
  <b>I'm fareen</b>
  <p><strong>I love being self depended!</strong></p


HTML <i> And <em> Elements:

Italic: One of the HTML <i> elements it is used to format HTML content. It can be used to define a text in technical terms of language and thoughts.

Emphasize: It is also one of the element of HTML <em> tag is  used to formatting texts. It is used to define emphasized text or statement. 


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <p>This text is normal.</p>
  <p>This text is <i>italic.</i></p>
  <p>This text is <em>emphasized.</em></p>


HTML <sub> And <sup> Elements:

Subscript: The <sub> element defines subscript text. Subscript text appears in half a character below the normal text lines. 

Superscript: The <sup> tag is used to add a superscript text to the HTML document. The <sup> tag defines the superscript text. Superscript text appears half a character above the normal line. 


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <p>This is<sub>subscript</sub>text</p>
  <p>This is<sup>superscript</sup>text</p>


HTML Mark Tag:

The <mark> tag is used to define the marked text in a HTML document. It is used to marked or highlight the part of the text in a paragraph.


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <h1 style ="color: blue;">GOCOURSE</h1>
  <h2>HTML mark Tag</h2>
  <p><mark>Gocourse:</mark> This is a <mark> HTML mark text </mark> used in this paragraph.</p>


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