HTML Paragraph
- The <p> tag in HTML defines a paragraph.
- These have both opening and closing tags. So anything mentioned within <p> tag and </p> tag is treated as a paragraph.
- To add a new paragraph in HTML, place your insertion mark cursor into the HTML document where you want to add the new paragraph..
- Then type the paragraph start tag: <p>, Then type the paragraph's text. At the end of the new paragraph's text, type the end tag: </p>.
<p>Type some text in a paragraph </p>
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h2>This is my HTML Paragraph</h2>
<p>This is my paragraph to type some content here...</p>
<h2>This is my HTML Paragraph</h2>
<p>This is my paragraph to type some content here...</p>
HTML Line Break:
- HTML <br> element is used to line break in the document page.
- If you want to start a new line, you need to insert a line break with the help of the <br>.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<p>HTML is the<br>standard markup language<br>for creating Web pages.</p>
More topic in HTML