Fazzey's world

HTML Table

  • HTML table can allows web developers to arrange data into rows and columns. 
  • A table in HTML, use the <table> tag. Within this table tag, using the <tr>, <th>, and <td> tags.
  • Every table can create between <td> and </td> are the content of the table cell, There are:                       
  1. <table>        -    It establishes a table.
  2. <tr>             -    It describes a table row.
  3. <th>            -     It defines a table header cell.
  4. <td>             -    It describes a table cell.
  5. <caption>     -   The caption of the table is defined.
  6. <colgroup>   -   It is a collection of one or more table columns for formatting.
  7. <col>            -   To provide column properties for each column, use it along with the                                colgroup element.
  8. <tbody>        -    It is used to organise the table's body content.
  9. <thead>        -    It is used to organise a table's header information.
  10. <tfooter>      -    It is used to organise table footer material.


  <!DOCTYPE html>


HTML Table Cell:

  • In each table cell can create by <td>....</td> tags. 
  • The <td> tag stands for table data, are the content of the table cell.


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  table, td {
    border1px solid black;
  <h2>HTML Table cells</h2>
  <table style="width50%">
  <p>We can added the kinds of programming languages to the table.</p>


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