Php Constants


 Php Constants

         In PHP, constants are identifiers (names) that represent a fixed value that cannot be changed during the execution of a script.

        Constants can be useful for improving code readability, avoiding magic numbers, and ensuring that certain values are not accidentally modified.

Create a php constants

To create a constant in PHP, you use the define() function.


define("name", value, case_insensitive);


name : The name of the constant, usually written in uppercase letters.

value: The value assigned to the constant.

case_insensitive: Optional. If set to true, the constant's name will be case-insensitive. Default is false.

Php constants array

The array itself, though, cannot be redefined once defined using the define() function.

define("FRUITS", ["apple", "banana", "orange"]);
echo echo FRUITS[0];

 // Outputs: apple

Constants are global

     it is available and accessible from anywhere in your script, regardless of the scope.

define("my constants", "Hello world!");

function myFunction() {
    echo my constants();

// output  Hello world

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