PHP Numbers


 Php Numbers

       In PHP, a "number" typically refers to a numeric data type that represents numerical values.

Php Integer

       In PHP, an integer is a numeric data type that represents whole numbers without decimal points. Integers can be both positive and negative.

9,21,533,-8765,-244,755 are all integers.

 php has the follwing predefined constant for integers:

PHP_INT_MAX- the maximum  integer values for your system.

PHP_INT_MIN- the minimum integer values for your system.

Php floats

        Floating-Point Numbers Also known as "floats" or "doubles," these are numbers with decimal points. They can represent both integer and non-integer values.

54.7,246.87,634f. 5,98. 65 are all floats.

php has the follwing predefined constant for floats:

PHP_FLOAT_MAX- the largest positive finite floating-point value that can be represented on the system.

PHP_FLOAT_MIN- this constant represents the smallest representable positive floating-point.

Php infinity

        These constants are used to represent mathematical infinity in PHP.infinity is a special numeric value that represents positive or negative infinity

PHP provides the constant

INF to represent positive infinity.

-INF to represent negative infinity.

Php Nan

       NaN (Not-a-Number) represents a value that is undefined or unrepresentable.

       The comparisons involving NaN will typically result in false, and you can use the is_nan() function to check if a value is NaN.

Php Numerical strings

        In PHP, you can work with numerical strings, which are strings that contain numeric values. 

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