Reshma Mohandass


     A singlly linked list is a type of linked list that is unidirectional, that is, it can be traversed in only one direction from head to the last node (tail). 

      It is used to do a slideshow or some basic operations on a notepad like undo and redo.

You can create nodes of singly linked lists using classes or structures. And you link them using the next pointer.


What Operations Can You Perform on a Singly Linked List?

You can perform two operations on a singly linked list:  

                 1. Insertion 

                 2. Deletion                                                                                                                                 How to Insert a Node in a Singly Linked List?

You can insert a node at three different positions, they are:

  • At the beginning
  • At the end
  • At a specific position after a node


  • You can perform operations like insertion and deletion with ease
  • It is a dynamic data structure, i.e., it does not have a fixed size
  • It doesn’t require the movement of nodes for insertion and deletion
  • It doesn’t need elements to be stored in consecutive memory spaces
  • It does not waste space as it uses space according to the recuirement. 

  DISADVANTAGES :-                

  • It requires more storage space because it also stores the next pointer with data
  • If you have to reach any node, then you have to go through every node before it
  • You can not traverse it from anywhere but the head node
  • It requires a different amount of time to access any elements
  • Sorting is complex in this linked list. 
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