Attributes of a process

Santhosh Kumar

 Attributes of a process:

The Operating System builds the process control block (PCB) for each of the processes using the attributes of the process. This is sometimes referred to as the process context. The PCB's saved attributes are described below.

1. Process ID:

When a process is created, it is given a special identification number (id), which is used to identify it specifically in the system.

2. Program counter:

The address of the process's most recent instruction, on which the process was suspended, is stored in a program counter. When this process's execution is restarted, the CPU utilizes this address.

3. Process State:

The process goes through a number of states, including new, ready, operating, and waiting, until it is finished. We shall talk in more depth about them later.

4. Priority:

The process goes through a number of states, including new, ready, operating, and waiting, until it is finished. We shall talk in more depth about them later.

5. General Purpose Registers:

Each process has a unique collection of registers that are used to store the data created during the process' execution.

6. List of open files:

Every process uses a few files during execution that must exist in the main memory. A list of open files in the PCB is also kept by OS.

7. List of open devices:

The OS also keeps a list of all open devices that are used while the process is running.

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