

Features Of C

     👉🏻Fast & Efficient
     👉🏻Simple Syntax
     👉🏻Uses of Pointer
     👉🏻Middle-Level Language
     👉🏻Rich Library Support
     👉🏻Static Typing
     👉🏻Structured Language
     👉🏻File Handling


     C programs are highly portable, which means they can be executed on different platform with no changes.

Fast and Efficient:

     C provides faster execution and better efficiency as it's closer to the machine level, that allowing direct manipulation of the hardware.

Simple Syntax:

     C has a relatable simple and elegant syntax, making it easy to learn and read. Its syntax is derived 

Uses of Pointer:

     C supports the use of pointers, which the variables that hold memory address. Pointers can allow direct manipulation of memory locations.

Middle-Level Language:

       It contains high-level language features with low-level capabilities, allowing direct access to memory and hardware, it suitable for system programming and embedded systems.

Rich Library Support:

       A rich is a set of libraries that provide a wide range of functions for various operations, from input and output to mathematical operations.

Static Typing:

       C is a statically typed language, which means the type of a variable to checked at compile time, reducing errors and enhancing performance.

Structured Language:

       It allows programming in a structured approach through functions, making code modular and manageable.

File handling:

       C have file handling to provides standard input/output functions.


       Recursion in C, we can call the function within the function. Recursion enables us to use the approach of the backtracking. It can provide code for reusability of every function. 

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