
Features of Computer Network

Below is a list of features of computer network.

Features of computer network

Communication Speed

Networks enable rapid and efficient communication, facilitating activities such as video conferencing and email messaging. Thus, computer networks serve as invaluable platforms for sharing knowledge and ideas.

File Sharing

File sharing is one of the major advantages of computer networks. These networks enable us to share files with one another easily.

Back up and Roll back is easy

Since the files are stored on a centrally located main server. This centralization simplifies the process of creating backups from the main server.

Software and Hardware sharing

By installing applications on the main server, users can access them centrally, eliminating the need to install the software on each individual machine. Similarly, hardware resources can also be shared across the network.


 Networks enhance security by ensuring that only authorized users have access to specific files and applications.


Scalability refers to the ability to add new components to the network. A scalable network allows for the extension of the network by incorporating new devices. However, this can reduce connection speed and data transmission speed, increasing the likelihood of errors. This issue can be mitigated by using routing or switching devices.


Computer networks can utilize alternative sources for data communication in the event of hardware failure.

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