
HTML Entities

In HTML, entities are used to represent special characters that might otherwise be interpreted as HTML code or that are not easily typed on a standard keyboard. These entities usually start with an ampersand (&) and end with a semicolon (;). Below is a list of some common HTML entities and their corresponding character.

Basic HTML Entities:

  • & - & (ampersand)
  • &lt; - < (less-than)
  • &gt; - > (greater-than)
  • &quot; - " (double quotation mark)
  • &apos; - ' (apostrophe or single quotation mark

Accented Characters:

  • &aacute; - á
  • &eacute; - é
  • &iacute; - í
  • &oacute; - ó
  • &uacute; - ú
  • &ntilde; - ñ
  • &ouml; - ö
  • &uuml; - ü

Mathematical Symbols:

  • &plusmn; - ± (plus-minus)
  • &times; - × (multiplication)
  • &divide; - ÷ (division)
  • &le; - ≤ (less-than or equal to)
  • &ge; - ≥ (greater-than or equal to)

Currency Symbols:

  • &dollar; - $ (dollar sign)
  • &euro; - € (euro sign)
  • &pound; - £ (pound sign)
  • &yen; - ¥ (yen sign)

Miscellaneous Symbols:

  • &copy; - © (copyright)
  • &reg; - ® (registered trademark)
  • &trade; - ™ (trademark)
  • &sect; - § (section sign)
  • &para; - ¶ (paragraph sign)

How to Use HTML Entities:

Displaying Special Characters:

When you need to display characters that might be confused with HTML syntax (e.g., <, >, &), use their corresponding entities.

Non-Standard Characters:

For characters that are not readily available on a standard keyboard, such as accented characters or special symbols, use the appropriate HTML entity.

Preventing Interpretation:

Using entities can prevent the browser from interpreting certain characters as HTML code, ensuring they are displayed correctly on the page..


  <!DOCTYPE html>
  <html lang="en">
      <meta charset="UTF-8">
      <title>HTML Entities</title>
      <p>Use &lt; and &gt; to display less-than and greater-than symbols.</p>
      <p>Use &amp; to display an ampersand.</p>
      <p>Use &quot; and &apos; for quotation marks.</p>
      <p>Accented characters: &aacute;, &eacute;, &iacute;, &oacute;, &uacute;, &ntilde;.      </p>
      <p>Mathematical symbols: &plusmn;, &times;, &divide;, &le;, &ge;.</p>
      <p>Currency symbols: &dollar;, &euro;, &pound;, &yen;.</p>
      <p>Miscellaneous symbols: &copy;, &reg;, &trade;, &sect;, &para;.</p>

HTML provides a large set of entities for representing various characters. Here's a comprehensive list of HTML entities categorized by their types:

Reserved Characters

Mathematical Symbols

Greek Letters

Miscellaneous Symbols

Accented Characters

 Currency Symbols

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