
Computer Network Architecture

Computer Network Architecture encompasses the physical and logical design of software, hardware, protocols, and transmission media for data exchange. Essentially, it defines the organization of computers and the allocation of tasks within a network.

Two types of network architectures are commonly employed:

Types of computer network

  • Peer-To-Peer network
  • Client/Server network

Peer-To-Peer Network

  • A Peer-To-Peer network connects computers with equal privileges and responsibilities for processing data.
  • Typically suited for small environments, usually with up to 10 computers, a Peer-To-Peer network operates without a dedicated server.
  • While special permissions are assigned to each computer for resource sharing, reliance on individual computers can pose challenges if the computer hosting the resource is offline.
peer to peer

Advantage of Peer-To-Peer Network

  • Peer-To-Peer networks are cost-effective due to the absence of a dedicated server.
  • In the event of one computer failure, the network continues to function unaffected by the malfunctioning unit.
  • Ease of setup and maintenance is facilitated as each computer is self-managed within the network.

Disadvantage of Peer-To-Peer Network

  • Peer-To-Peer networks lack a centralized system, hindering centralized data backup as data is dispersed across multiple locations.
  • Security concerns arise due to individual device management within the network.

Client/Server Network

  • In a Client/Server network model, clients, or end users, access resources such as songs and videos from a central computer, known as the server.
  • The server acts as the central controller, responsible for major operations including security and network management.
  • Additionally, the server manages resources such as files, directories, and printers.
  • Communication between clients occurs through the server. For instance, if Client 1 wishes to send data to Client 2, it first requests permission from the server. Upon receiving approval from the server, Client 1 initiates communication with Client 2.

Advantage of Client/Server Network

  • In a Client/Server network, the centralized system allows for easy data backup.
  • The presence of a dedicated server enhances the overall performance of the network.
  • With a single server administering shared resources, security is strengthened in a Client/Server network.
  • Moreover, the network's resource-sharing speed is improved.

Disadvantage of Client/Server Network

  • Client/Server networks can be costly due to the need for servers with substantial memory capacity.
  • The Network Operating System (NOS) employed by servers to deliver resources to clients can also contribute to high expenses, given its considerable cost.
  • Moreover, managing all network resources necessitates the presence of a dedicated network administrator.

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