Comments in CSS

Comments in CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are used to add notes or explanations to the code, which the browser ignores when rendering the webpage. They help explain your CSS, provide context for other developers or yourself, and allow you to temporarily disable parts of the code without deleting them entirely.

CSS comments are enclosed between /* and */.


/* This is a CSS comment */

Comments can be placed on a single line or span multiple lines.

/* This is a multi-line
   CSS comment */

/* This is another
   multi-line comment */

/* This is a single-line CSS comment */

Comments can be placed anywhere in the CSS code, including within selectors, property declarations, or blocks.

/* This is a comment inside a selector */
h1 {
  /* This is a comment within a property declaration */
  font-size: 20px; /* This is a comment after a property */

/* This is a comment before a block */
h2 {
  color: blue;

As mentioned earlier, comments are ignored by the browser and do not affect how the webpage is rendered. They are included solely for code organization and human readability. Use comments to clarify complex sections, explain the purpose of specific CSS rules, or provide instructions for future changes.

Why we use comments in CSS


CSS comments serve as documentation, allowing you to explain why certain styles are applied, provide instructions or notes for other developers who might work on the code, or remind yourself of specific ideas or parts of the code. Using comments makes your CSS code easier to read and maintain.

Code temporary disablement

CSS code can be temporarily disabled using comments without removing it. This is helpful for isolating specific CSS components to test different styles or troubleshoot issues. You can comment out the code to see how it affects the webpage without deleting it.


Comments help developers collaborate by allowing them to share thoughts, make suggestions, or discuss specific CSS code segments. They make it easier for team members to understand and review each other’s work.

Future reference

When you revisit the code later, comments remind you of the purpose or reasoning behind specific styles. They provide context, making it easier to adjust or troubleshoot, and can save you time.
Organization and readability
Comments can be used to divide your CSS code into logical sections or highlight important parts. They improve readability and organization, making the code easier to navigate and understand.

Using comments effectively makes your CSS code easier to read, maintain, and collaborate on. They are essential for organizing and documenting your code.

Disadvantage of CSS comments

Code bloat

Extra or unnecessary comments can make your CSS file larger. While modern network speeds might not be greatly impacted, they can still lead to slower loading times, especially for large CSS files.

Outdated comments

As code evolves, comments may become outdated or no longer accurately reflect the current state of the code. Outdated comments can be misleading and cause confusion or incorrect assumptions when working with the code.

Maintenance costs

Maintaining comments requires time and effort. Developers need to keep comments up-to-date and relevant when making changes to the code.

Potential code clutter

Too many or poorly organized comments can clutter the code, making it harder to read and understand. If comments are not well-structured or contain unnecessary information, it can be challenging to distinguish important details from extraneous noise.

Code duplication

Explaining self-explanatory code in comments can lead to unnecessary duplication and reduce the code’s conciseness. Ideally, comments should provide additional information or explanations that are not immediately clear from the code itself.

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