CSS Border-Spacing Property

This CSS property is used to set the spacing between the borders of adjacent cells in a table. It only applies when the border-collapse property is set to separate. If border-collapse is set to collapse, there will be no space between the borders.

It can be defined using a pair of values to determine the vertical and horizontal spacing.

When only one value is specified, it sets both the horizontal and vertical spacing.

When using the two-value syntax, the first value sets the horizontal spacing (the space between adjacent columns), and the second value sets the vertical spacing (the space between adjacent rows).


border-spacing: 10px 20px; /* Example of setting horizontal and vertical spacing */
border-spacing: initial; /* Resets the border-spacing to its default value */
border-spacing: inherit; /* Inherits the border-spacing value from its parent element */

Property Values

The values for this CSS property are explained as follows.

length: Specifies the distance between borders using units like pixels, centimeters, points, etc. Negative values are not allowed.
initial: Resets the property to its default value.
inherit: Inherits the property value from its parent element.

Let's explore this CSS property with examples. In the first example, we'll use a single value for the border-spacing property, while in the second example, we'll use two values for it.

Single Value Example

In this example, the border-spacing is set to 45 pixels, creating equal horizontal and vertical spacing between the table cells. Adjust the value based on your design preferences. This example demonstrates how the border-spacing property can enhance the visual presentation of tables. Modify the values according to your specific design needs.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Border Spacing Property</title>
  table {
     border: 2px solid red;
     text-align: center;
     font-size: 20px;
     background-color: lightgreen;

   th {
      border: 5px solid blue;
      background-color: yellow;

    td {
       border: 5px solid violet;
       background-color: cyan;

     #space {
        border-collapse: separate;
        border-spacing: 45px;
<h1>The `border-spacing` Property</h1>
<h2>border-spacing: 45px;</h2>
<table id="space">
  <th>First Name</th>
  <th>Last Name</th>


Two Values Example

In this example, we use two values for the border-spacing property. With border-collapse set to separate, the border-spacing value is 20pt 1em. The first value, 20pt, defines the horizontal spacing, while the second value, 1em, sets the vertical spacing. This demonstrates how the border-spacing property can enhance the appearance of tables. Adjust these values according to your design needs.


<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Border Spacing Property</title>
  table {
     border: 2px solid blue;
     text-align: center;
     font-size: 20px;
     background-color: lightgreen;
   th {
     border: 5px solid red;
     background-color: yellow;
    td {
      border: 5px solid violet;
      background-color: cyan;
    #space {
       border-collapse: separate;
       border-spacing: 20pt 1em;
<h1>The Border Spacing Property</h1>
<h2>border-spacing: 20pt 1em;</h2>
<table id="space">
   <th>First Name</th>
   <th>Last Name</th>


Browser Compatibility

The border-spacing property is supported by most modern browsers, including Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Edge. However, it’s a good idea to check compatibility on specific platforms to ensure a consistent user experience across different browsers.


In conclusion, the CSS border-spacing property is valuable for managing the space between the borders of adjacent table cells. By using a single value for uniform spacing or two values for specific horizontal and vertical spacings, you can enhance the visual appeal of tables on a website. Understanding its syntax, property values, and practical examples allows designers to precisely adjust the layout and presentation of tabular data.

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