CSS Border

The CSS border property is essential for defining and styling the borders around HTML elements. Borders play a crucial role in web design, helping to create separation, emphasis, and visual appeal. In CSS, several border-related properties allow you to control the style, color, size, and shape of borders. This article will explore these CSS border properties and how to use them effectively.

CSS Border Properties

CSS border properties are used to define the style, color, width, and curvature of an element's borders. These properties include:
  1. border-style
  2. border-color
  3. border-width
  4. border-radius

CSS border-style

The border-style property is used to define the type of border you want to display on the webpage.

There are several border style values that can be used with the border-style property to define a border.


<!DOCTYPE html>
 .border-example {
  width: 151px;
  height: 31px;
  margin: 10px;
  padding: 10px;

  .dotted {
     border: 2px dotted #FFA500;

  .dashed {
     border: 2px dashed #008000;

   .solid {
      border: 2px solid #000;

    .double {
       border: 4px double #FF0000;

     .groove {
        border: 3px groove #3333FF;

      .ridge {
        border: 3px ridge #660066;

       .inset {
          border: 3px inset #006600;

       .outset {
          border: 3px outset #990000;
    <div class="border-example dotted">Dotted Border</div>
    <div class="border-example dashed">Dashed Border</div>
    <div class="border-example solid">Solid Border</div>
    <div class="border-example double">Double Border</div>
    <div class="border-example groove">Groove Border</div>
    <div class="border-example ridge">Ridge Border</div>
    <div class="border-example inset">Inset Border</div>
    <div class="border-example outset">Outset Border</div>


CSS border-width

The border-width property sets the width of the border. It is usually specified in pixels, but you can also use one of three predefined values: thin, medium, or thick.


<!DOCTYPE html>
  /* CSS for different border widths */
    .thin-border {
       border: 2px solid #FF0000; /* 2-pixel wide solid red border */

   .medium-border {
      border: 4px solid #00FF00; /* 4-pixel wide solid green border */

  .thick-border {
     border: 6px solid #0000FF; /* 6-pixel wide solid blue border */

  .custom-border {
     border: 3px dashed #FFA500; /* 3-pixel wide dashed orange border */
    <!-- HTML elements with different border widths -->
    <p class="thin-border">Thin Border</p>
    <p class="medium-border">Medium Border</p>
    <p class="thick-border">Thick Border</p>
    <div class="custom-border">Custom Border</div>


CSS border-color

You can set the border color using three different methods.

You can set the border color using three methods:

Name: Specifies the color by name, such as "red".
RGB: Uses RGB values to define the color, such as "rgb(255,0,0)".
Hex: Uses a hex code to define the color, such as "#ff0000".


<!DOCTYPE html>
  .element {
    width: 210px;
    height: 110px;
    border: 2px solid #333; /* Initial border color is dark gray */
  transition: border-color 0.5s; /* Smooth transition effect */
    border-color: blue;
    <div class="element">Element</div>


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