Kiruthika M

 Difference Between AngularJS and ReactJS


       AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework designed for developing dynamic web applications. Created by Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons in 2009 and now maintained by Google, AngularJS reached its latest version, 1.7.8, on March 11, 2019. It is built on HTML and JavaScript and is commonly used for constructing Single Page Applications. AngularJS can be integrated into an HTML page using a `<script>` tag, and it enhances HTML by adding built-in attributes through directives and binding data to HTML elements using expressions.

Features of AngularJS

1.Data-Binding:AngularJS utilizes two-way data binding, which automatically synchronizes data between the model and view components.

2.POJO Model:AngularJS utilizes the POJO (Plain Old JavaScript Object) model, which facilitates spontaneous and well-structured objects. This approach makes AngularJS both self-sufficient and user-friendly.

3.Model View Controller(MVC) Framework:MVC is a software design pattern used for developing web applications, and AngularJS's working model is based on this pattern. The MVC architecture in AngularJS is straightforward, flexible, and dynamic, making it easier to develop distinct client-side applications.

4.Services:AngularJS includes several built-in services, such as `$http`, which facilitate making XMLHttpRequests.

5.User Interface With HTML:In AngularJS, user interfaces are constructed using HTML, a declarative language known for its concise tags and ease of understanding. This results in an organized, smooth, and well-structured interface.

6.Dependency Injection:AngularJS features a built-in dependency injection subsystem that simplifies creating, understanding, and testing applications for developers.

7.Activity Community on Google:AngularJS benefits from strong community support, largely because it is maintained by Google. If you encounter maintenance issues, numerous forums are available where you can find solutions to your queries.

8.Routing:Routing involves transitioning from one view to another within a single page application. In such applications, developers aim to avoid redirecting users to new pages with each menu click. Instead, they want the content to update on the same page while the URL changes accordingly.


     ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library designed for building user interfaces in Single Page Applications. It focuses solely on the view layer of an application. ReactJS allows developers to create complex UIs by composing small, isolated units of code called "components." ReactJS consists of two main parts: components, which include the HTML code and define what appears in the user interface, and the HTML document where these components are rendered.

    ReactJS was developed by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook. Initially created and maintained by Facebook, it was later integrated into products like WhatsApp and Instagram. ReactJS was first developed in 2011 for Facebook's newsfeed section and was publicly released in May 2013.

Features of ReactJS

1.JSX:JSX is a JavaScript syntax extension that transforms HTML-like text into JavaScript calls within the React framework. It extends ES6, allowing HTML-like syntax to coexist seamlessly with JavaScript React code.

2.Components:ReactJS revolves around components. A ReactJS application consists of numerous components, each with its own logic and controls. These components are reusable, which helps maintain code more effectively, especially in larger projects.

3.One-Way Data Binding:ReactJS employs unidirectional data flow, or one-way data binding, which provides better control across the application. If data flow were bidirectional, it would require additional features because components are designed to be immutable, meaning their internal data cannot be altered.

4.Virtual DOM:A virtual DOM object serves as a representation of the real DOM. When modifications occur in the web application, the entire UI is first re-rendered in the virtual DOM. The virtual DOM then compares the previous and new representations to identify differences. Only the changed elements are updated in the real DOM, which enhances application performance and prevents unnecessary memory usage.

5.Simplicity:ReactJS utilizes JSX files, which simplify both coding and understanding the application. Its component-based approach allows for reusable code, making it easier to use and learn.

6.Performance:ReactJS is renowned for its excellent performance, primarily because it uses a virtual DOM that exists entirely in memory. Instead of directly manipulating the real DOM, components are first written as virtual representations. These virtual components are then transformed into the real DOM, resulting in smoother and faster performance.

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