Kiruthika M

Difference Between ReactJS and React Native


  • ReactJS is an open-source JavaScript library for building user interfaces in web applications. It handles only the view layer of the application and allows developers to create complex UIs by composing small, isolated pieces of code known as "components." ReactJS consists of two main parts: components, which contain the HTML code and define what appears in the user interface, and the HTML document, where all the components are rendered.
  • ReactJS was developed by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook. Initially created and maintained by Facebook, it was used in products like WhatsApp and Instagram. ReactJS was first developed in 2011 for Facebook's newsfeed section and was publicly released in May 2013.

Advantages of ReactJS

1.Easy to Learn and Use:ReactJS is relatively easy to learn and use. Developers with a JavaScript background can quickly grasp the concepts and start building web applications with React.

2.Creating Dynamic Web Applications Becomes Easier:Creating a dynamic web application with plain HTML was challenging and required complex coding. ReactJS addresses this issue by simplifying the process, reducing the amount of code needed, and offering more functionality.

3.Reusable Components:A ReactJS web application consists of multiple components, each with its own logic and controls. These components can be reused as needed, which simplifies development and maintenance by promoting code reusability.

4.Performance Enhancement:ReactJS enhances performance through its use of the virtual DOM. The virtual DOM, which exists solely in memory, represents the web browser's actual DOM. When writing a React component, we don’t interact directly with the DOM. Instead, we work with virtual components that React then converts into the actual DOM, resulting in smoother and faster performance.

5.The Support of Handy Tools:ReactJS offers a useful set of tools that simplify and clarify developers' tasks. It also allows you to select specific components and inspect and modify their current props and state.

Disadvantages of ReactJS

1.The High Pace of Development:As frameworks evolve rapidly, developers often find it challenging to constantly re-learn new methods and adapt to frequent updates. This can make it difficult for them to keep up with all the ongoing changes.

2.Poor Documentation:React technologies evolve and advance so quickly that there is often insufficient time for comprehensive documentation. To address this, developers create their own instructions to keep up with new releases and tools in their ongoing projects.

3.View Part:ReactJS focuses solely on the UI layer of an application. To build a complete development toolkit for your project, you will need to incorporate additional technologies beyond ReactJS.

4.Known to be SEO Friendly:Traditional JavaScript frameworks often struggle with SEO issues, but ReactJS addresses this problem by enabling server-side rendering. This allows ReactJS applications to be rendered on the server and sent to the browser as standard web pages, improving navigation and indexing by search engines.

5.The Benefit of Having JavaScript Library:Today, ReactJS is increasingly popular among web developers. It offers a robust JavaScript library that provides developers with greater flexibility to choose how they want to build their applications.

6.Scope for Testing the Codes:ReactJS applications are easy to test, offering developers the ability to test and debug their code effectively using native tools.

React Native

  • React Native is an open-source JavaScript framework for developing mobile applications for iOS, Android, and Windows. It utilizes JavaScript to build cross-platform mobile apps. While similar to React, React Native uses native components instead of web components, targeting mobile platforms rather than web browsers.
  • Facebook developed React Native in 2013 during an internal hackathon. In March 2015, Facebook announced that React Native was open source and available on GitHub.
  • React Native was initially developed for iOS applications but has since expanded to support the Android operating system as well.

Advantages of React Native

 1.Cross-Platform Usage:It offers the "Learn once, write everywhere" approach, allowing you to develop applications that work on both Android and iOS platforms.

2.Class Performance:Code written in React Native is compiled into native code, allowing it to function consistently across both operating systems.

3.JavaScript:JavaScript knowledge is utilized to build native mobile apps.

4.Community:The extensive communities surrounding ReactJS and React Native provide ample support for finding answers to any questions.

5.Hot Reloading:Any changes made to your app's code will be immediately visible during development. If the business logic is modified, the updates are reflected live on the screen.

6.Improving with Time:Some features of iOS and Android are still unsupported, but the community continuously works on developing best practices.

7.Native Components:To create native functionality that isn't yet designed, we may need to write platform-specific code.

8.Existence is Uncertain:Since Facebook developed this framework, its future is uncertain as Facebook retains the right to discontinue the project at any time. However, given React Native's growing popularity, it is unlikely that this will occur.

Disadvantages of React Native

1.React Native is Still New and Immature:React Native is relatively new to Android and iOS development and is still evolving, which could potentially impact app performance negatively.

2.Learning is Tough:React Native can be challenging to learn, particularly for newcomers to app development.

3.It Lacks the Security Robustness:React Native, being a JavaScript library and open-source framework, can have security limitations. For developing banking and financial apps where data confidentiality is critical, experts often advise against using React Native.

4.It Takes More Time to Initialize:React Native can take a significant amount of time to initialize the runtime, even on high-end gadgets and devices.

ReactJS vs React Native

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