

Your code demonstrates the use of a structure in C to store and manage employee details like ID, salary, and mobile number. However, there are a few issues in the code that need correction. Here’s the corrected version:

 Corrected Program



 void main() 


    struct employee 


        int id; 

        float salary; 

        int mobile; 



    struct employee e1, e2, e3; 




    printf("\nEnter ids, salary & mobile no. of 3 employees\n"); 


    scanf("%d %f %d", &e1.id, &e1.salary, &e1.mobile); 

    scanf("%d %f %d", &e2.id, &e2.salary, &e2.mobile); 

    scanf("%d %f %d", &e3.id, &e3.salary, &e3.mobile); 


    printf("\nEntered Result:\n"); 

    printf("\n%d %.2f %d", e1.id, e1.salary, e1.mobile); 

    printf("\n%d %.2f %d", e2.id, e2.salary, e2.mobile); 

    printf("\n%d %.2f %d", e3.id, e3.salary, e3.mobile); 





Corrections Made:

  1. Missing Parenthesis: Added the closing parenthesis in the `printf` function call.
  2. Formatting the Output:  In the `printf` statements for displaying salary, I used `%.2f` to format the salary as a floating-point number with two decimal places for clarity.
  3. Additional Spaces: Added spaces in the output to ensure consistent formatting, especially between values.



  1.  Structures: This code defines a structure `employee` that contains three variables: `id`, `salary`, and `mobile`. Each `struct employee` instance holds these three data points for a single employee.
  2. Memory Management: The structure helps in grouping related data together, making it easier to manage and access using a single identifier (like `e1`, `e2`, or `e3`).
  3. Functionality: The program prompts the user to input the details of three employees, stores them in the structure variables, and then prints out the entered details.

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