Hemashree S

Git Tutorial

Git tutorial provides basic and advanced concepts of Git and GitHub. Our Git tutorial is designed for beginners and professionals.
Git is a powerful and widely adopted distributed version control system designed to manage projects efficiently, enabling teams to collaborate seamlessly in a shared workspace.
This tutorial guides you through understanding Git, a distributed version control system, using both the command line and GitHub. While the examples are demonstrated on Windows, the same operations can be performed on other operating systems like Linux (Ubuntu) and macOS.


What is Git?

  • Git is an open-source distributed version control system built to manage projects of any size with speed and efficiency. It facilitates coordination among developers, allowing teams to track changes and collaborate within a shared workspace.
  • Git is the backbone of many platforms like GitHub and GitLab, but it can also be used independently of these services, whether for private or public projects.
  • Git was created by Linus Torvalds in 2005 to aid in the development of the Linux Kernel and has since become a crucial distributed version control tool for DevOps.
  • Git is easy to learn and delivers fast performance, making it superior to other SCM tools like Subversion, CVS, Perforce, and ClearCase.        

Features of Git:   

Here are some notable features of Git:
  • Open Source: Git is an open-source tool released under the GPL (General Public License).
  • Scalable:  Git is scalable, meaning it can easily handle increased numbers of users.
  • Distributed: A key feature of Git is its distributed nature: rather than transferring the project to another machine, you can create a "clone" of the entire repository. Each user has their own repository with the full commit history, eliminating the need for constant connection to a central remote repository. Changes are stored locally and can be pushed to a remote repository when needed.
  • Security: Git is secure, employing the SHA1 (Secure Hash Algorithm) to name and identify objects within its repository. Files and commits are verified by their checksums during checkout, and the ID of each commit is based on the entire development history up to that point.
  • Speed: Git is extremely fast, with most operations performed locally, which enhances its speed. Unlike centralized version control systems that constantly communicate with a remote server, Git handles tasks quickly by working directly within the local repository.
  • Supports non-linear development: Git enables smooth branching and merging, aiding in the visualization and navigation of non-linear development. Each branch in Git represents a single commit, and the complete branch structure can be built using its parent commits.
  • Branching and Merging: Branching and merging are standout features of Git that distinguish it from other SCM tools. Git enables the creation of multiple branches that operate independently, and tasks such as creating, deleting, and merging branches are completed in just seconds.
  • Data Assurance: The Git data model guarantees the cryptographic integrity of every project unit by assigning a unique commit ID to each commit using the SHA algorithm. Commits can be retrieved and updated using their commit IDs, a feature that many centralized versions control systems do not offer by default.
  • Staging Area: The staging area is a unique feature of Git, acting as a preview for the next commit and an intermediate space where changes can be formatted and reviewed before finalizing. When you commit, Git uses the changes in the staging area to create the new commit. 

Benefits of Git:

A version control application helps us track all changes made to project files. Each time changes are made, they can be pushed to a repository, where other developers can pull these updates and continue working with the latest modifications to the project files.
  • Saves Time: Git is extremely fast, with each command executing in just a few seconds, saving significant time compared to logging into a GitHub account and exploring its features.
  • Offline Working: One of Git's major advantages is its support for offline work. Internet connectivity issues won't hinder your progress, as most tasks can be performed locally in Git. In contrast, other version control systems like SVN are more reliant on a connection to a central repository.
  • Undo Mistakes: Another advantage of Git is its ability to undo mistakes. This feature can be a lifesaver, as Git allows you to undo almost any action.
  • Track the changes: Git offers exciting features like Diff, Log, and Status, which enable us to track changes, check the status of files or branches, and compare differences.

Why Git?

We've explored numerous features and benefits of Git, clearly establishing it as the leading version control system.

  • Git Integrity: Git is designed to ensure the security and integrity of version-controlled content. It uses checksums to verify that information remains intact during transit or file system modifications. Internally, Git generates a checksum value from the file's contents and verifies it when transmitting or storing data.
  • Trendy Version Control System:  Git is the most widely used version control system, with the largest number of projects compared to other systems. Its exceptional workflow and features make it the preferred choice for developers.
  • Everything is Local: Most Git operations can be performed locally, which is a major advantage, as it eliminates the need for constant internet connectivity.
  • Collaborate to Public Projects: GitHub hosts numerous public projects that offer opportunities for collaboration and showcasing creativity. Engaging in these projects allows us to work alongside experienced developers, learn from their expertise, and elevate our own programming skills.
  • Impress Recruiters: Mentioning Git and GitHub on your resume can impress recruiters. Share your GitHub profile link with HR at the organizations you're interested in, showcasing your skills and work to enhance your chances of getting hired.


Git isn't a programming language, so you only need a basic understanding of Windows commands.


We've created this Git tutorial for both beginners and professionals, starting from the basics to help you learn Git quickly.


We’re confident that our Git tutorial will be easy to follow, but if you spot any errors, please let us know in the comment section.

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