Hemashree S

 Difference between Git and GitHub

Programming languages today have such intuitive names that just hearing them gives us a clear sense of what they might entail.
Java and JavaScript are as similar in name as ham and hamster, while Python’s logo is closely tied to the image of snakes.
Someone might expect a connection between Git and GitHub based on their names, but let's explore them in detail to understand their differences.


Git can be described in many ways, but simply put, it's an open-source distributed version control system.
Let's break down each part of the definition and understand it.
  • Open-source: Open-source software is released under a specific license that allows users to freely use, modify, and contribute to the code. Developed collaboratively in a public way, open-source software is often more affordable, flexible, and sustainable than proprietary alternatives. It includes code, documentation, and formats to help users contribute and improve the project. Open-source software enables easy updates and revisions to existing features, with examples like Unix and Linux.
  • Control system: A control system's job is to track content; in other words, Git stores content to provide users with various services and features.
  • Version Control system: Just like apps receive updates for bug fixes and new features, Git supports version control, allowing multiple developers to work in parallel. The system tracks all updates, ensuring everything is managed efficiently. Git also offers branching, where updates can be made separately and then merged into the main branch for users. This keeps everything organized and ensures synchronization among developers, preventing errors. Other examples of version control systems include Helix Core and Microsoft TFS.
  • Distributed version control system: In a distributed version control system, when a developer contributes to open source, their code is also stored in their remote repository. The developer updates their local repository and submits a pull request to merge changes into the central repository. Thus, "distributed" means the code is stored both on a central server and on each developer's remote system.

Why is Git needed?

In real-life projects, Git helps prevent code conflicts among developers and manages changes to project requirements. It keeps track of all versions, allowing you to revert to the original code if needed. Branching in Git also enables multiple projects to run concurrently within the same codebase.


From its name, you might imagine GitHub as a hub for projects and communities. GitHub is a Git repository hosting service with a web-based graphical interface and is the largest community in the world. Open-source projects on GitHub gain public visibility and attract contributions from numerous people.
GitHub hosts the source code for numerous projects that developers can freely use and adapt as needed.
GitHub provides access to the source code of many projects, which developers can freely use and modify as needed.

Features of GitHub

  • GitHub enables project managers to collaborate, review, and guide developers on changes, making project management more efficient.
  • GitHub repositories can be set to public or private, providing organizations with the ability to safeguard their projects as needed.
  • GitHub features pull requests and issues, allowing all developers to stay aligned and keep their work organized.
  • With all the code and documentation stored in a single repository, GitHub simplifies code hosting.
  • GitHub uses specialized tools to detect vulnerabilities in code that other software might not have, ensuring safety for developers from the start of the project through to its launch.
  • GitHub is accessible on both mobile and desktop platforms, with a user-friendly interface that makes it easy to navigate and use.
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