Yuvaraj S

 Operating System

  • Operating System can be defined as an interface between user and the hardware.
  • It provides an environment to the user so that, the user can perform its task in convenient and efficient way.
  • The Operating System is divided into various parts based on its functions such as Process Management, Process Synchronization, Deadlocks and File Management

Operating System Definition And Function

  • In a computer system, hardware operates using machine code, which is a series of 0s and 1s.
  • This low-level code is not easily understood by most users, as it is very basic and abstract compared to higher-level programming languages.
  • Software, on the other hand, provides a more user-friendly way to interact with hardware by translating complex tasks into instructions that the machine code can execute.
  • An Operating System (OS) serves as an interface between users and hardware. It manages and executes processes, allocates resources, oversees CPU usage, handles file management, and performs various other essential tasks to ensure the smooth operation of the computer

Structure Of A Computer System


Operating System Several Key Functions

  • Process Management: Manages the execution of processes, including starting, scheduling, and terminating them.
  • Resource Allocation: Allocates hardware resources like CPU time, memory, and I/O devices to various processes and applications.
  • Memory Management: Manages the computer's memory, including RAM allocation and virtual memory, to ensure efficient operation and multitasking.
  • File Management: Organizes, stores, retrieves, and manages files on storage devices, including handling permissions and directories.
  • Device Management: Controls and coordinates hardware devices through device drivers, allowing software to interact with hardware components.
  • User Interface: Provides a user interface, either graphical (GUI) or command-line (CLI), for users to interact with the system and run applications.
  • Security and Access Control: Protects system resources and data through user authentication, permissions, and other security measures to prevent unauthorized access.
  • Networking: Manages network connections and communication, enabling data exchange between computers and other devices.

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