M Kesavan

 MongoDB Tutorial

Our MongoDB tutorial covers both basic and advanced concepts and is designed for both beginners and professionals.
MongoDB is a NoSQL, open-source, cross-platform database written in C++ that is document-oriented.    

Our MongoDB tutorial covers a comprehensive range of topics, including inserting, updating, deleting, and querying documents, as well as projection, sorting, and limiting methods, creating and dropping collections, and more. It also includes MongoDB interview questions to enhance your understanding of the database.

What is MongoDB?

  • MongoDB is an open-source document database that offers high performance, high availability, and automatic scaling.
  • In simple terms, MongoDB is a document-oriented database, an open-source product developed and supported by the company 10gen.
  • MongoDB is available for free under the General Public License and can also be obtained under a commercial license from the manufacturer.

The company 10gen defines MongoDB as:

  • According to 10gen, "MongoDB is a scalable, open-source, high-performance, document-oriented database."
  • MongoDB was designed to operate on commodity servers and is now used by companies of all sizes across various industries.

History of MongoDB

  • The initial development of MongoDB began in 2007 when the company was creating a platform-as-a-service similar to Windows Azure.
  • Windows Azure is a cloud computing platform and infrastructure developed by Microsoft to build, deploy, and manage applications and services through a global network.
  • MongoDB was developed by a New York-based organization originally named 10gen, now known as MongoDB Inc. It was initially created as a Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) but was introduced to the market in 2009 as an open-source database server, with ongoing maintenance and support provided by MongoDB Inc.
  • The first production-ready version of MongoDB is considered to be version 1.4, which was released in March 2010.
  • MongoDB 2.4.9 was the latest stable version, released on January 10, 2014.

Purpose of Building MongoDB 

A common question might be: "Why was MongoDB needed when there were already many databases available?"
There is a simple answer:
Modern applications need big data, rapid feature development, and flexible deployment, but older database systems fall short, making MongoDB necessary.

The primary purpose of Building MongoDB is:
  • Scalability 
  • Performance 
  • High Availability 
  • Scaling from single server deployments to large, complex multi-site architectures. 
  • Key points of MongoDB
  •  Develop Faster 
  • Deploy Easier
  •  Scale Bigger
First, we need to understand what a document-oriented database?

Example of Document-Oriented Database

MongoDB is a document-oriented database, which is a key feature that provides document-oriented storage and makes programming straightforward and easy.
MongoDB stores data in the form of documents, which is why it is referred to as a document-oriented database.

FirstName = "John",
Address = "Detroit",
Spouse = [{Name: "Angela"}].
FirstName = "John",
Address ="Wick"

There are two different documents (separated by".").
Storing data in this way is referred to as using a document-oriented database.
MongoDB is categorized as a document-oriented database, which is a type of NoSQL database.

Features of MongoDB

Here are some key features of MongoDB:
  1. Support ad hoc queries: In MongoDB, you can perform searches by field, execute range queries, and also use regular expression searches.
  2. Indexing: You can create an index on any field within a document.
  3. Replication: MongoDB supports master-slave replication. A master can perform both reads and writes, while a slave copies data from the master and is only used for reads or backups, not for writes.
  4. Duplication of data: MongoDB can operate across multiple servers, where data is duplicated to ensure system availability and maintain operation in the event of hardware failures.
  5. Load balancing: It features automatic load balancing due to data being distributed across shards.
  6. Supports map reduce and aggregation tools.
  7. Uses JavaScript Instead of Procedures.
  8. It is a schema-less database written in C++.
  9. Provides high performance.
  10. Stores files of any size easily without complicating your stack.
  11. Easy to administer in the case of failures.
  12. It also supports: 
  • A JSON data model with flexible schemas.
  • Automatic sharding enables horizontal scalability.
  • Built-in replication ensures high availability.
  • Today, many companies use MongoDB to develop new applications and enhance performance and availability.


Before learning MongoDB, you should have a basic understanding of SQL and object-oriented programming.


Our MongoDB tutorial is crafted to assist both beginners and professionals.


We are confident that you will not encounter any issues with this MongoDB tutorial. However, if you do find any mistakes, please report them using the contact form.

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