NoSQL Database

M Kesavan

NoSQL  Database 

    To thoroughly understand MongoDB, it's important to have a good understanding of NoSQL databases, since MongoDB is one of them.

What is NoSQL  Database 

Database Can be divided in 3 types :
  1.   RDBMS (Realtional Database Management system)
  2. OLAP (Online Analytical processing)
  3. NoSQL(recently developed database)

NoSQL Database 

 A NoSQL database refers to a non-SQL or non-relational database. It offers a way to store and retrieve data that doesn't rely on the tabular relations model used in relational databases. Unlike relational databases, NoSQL databases do not use tables for data storage. They are commonly used for handling big data and real-time web applications.

History Behind the creation of NoSQL Database :

       In the early 1970s, flat file systems were commonly used to store data. However, each company implemented its own format for these files, leading to a lack of standardization. This made it challenging to store and retrieve data, as there was no consistent method for organizing or accessing the information.

     E.F. Codd created the relational database to provide a standard way of storing data. However, as data sizes grew, relational databases struggled to handle big data. To address this limitation, NoSQL databases were developed, which are capable of managing various types of data and workloads.

Advantage of NoSQL Database 

  • It supports query Language.
  • It Provides fast performance.
  • It provides horizontal scalability.


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