Requirements Engineering



Requirements Engineering

You've provided a comprehensive overview of Requirements Engineering (RE) and its process. To further elucidate each stage, let’s delve deeper into some of the key elements you outlined.

 1. Feasibility Study


  • The feasibility study evaluates whether the proposed software system is practical and viable in terms of technical capabilities, operational requirements, and economic constraints.

Types of Feasibility:

1.Technical Feasibility:

  •   Assesses if current technology can meet the project's requirements within the given constraints (time, budget, technical skills).
  •   Involves evaluating technology stacks, system architecture, and integration capabilities.

2.Operational Feasibility:

  •    Examines whether the software will operate effectively within the existing organizational environment and solve the identified business problems.
  •    Considers user acceptance, operational workflow changes, and training requirements.

3.Economic Feasibility:

  •    Determines if the project is financially viable by evaluating costs versus benefits.
  •    Includes cost estimation for development, implementation, and maintenance versus the projected benefits or return on investment (ROI).

 2. Requirement Elicitation and Analysis

  • Requirement Elicitation :The process of gathering requirements from stakeholders through interviews, questionnaires, observations, and document analysis.
  • Essential to involve all relevant stakeholders to capture a comprehensive set of requirements.


  • Involving the Right People: Ensuring all necessary stakeholders are consulted.
  • Stakeholder Knowledge: Stakeholders may have vague or incomplete ideas about their needs.
  • Conflicting Requirements: Different stakeholders may have conflicting needs or priorities.
  • Requirement Changes: Requirements may evolve due to changes in business processes or technologies.


  • Identifying inconsistencies, missing requirements, and conflicts.
  •  Validating requirements to ensure they meet business needs and are feasible.

3. Software Requirement Specification (SRS)


  •  Documenting requirements in a clear, unambiguous, and detailed manner that serves as a reference for design and development.

Models and Tools:

  • Data Flow Diagrams (DFDs): Visualize data movement and processing within the system.
  • Data Dictionaries: Define and standardize data terms used in DFDs to ensure clarity.
  • Entity-Relationship Diagrams (ERDs): Describe the data entities, relationships, and attributes, helping in understanding data requirements and structure.


  •  Specifications should be technically precise yet understandable for developers.
  •  Should include functional and non-functional requirements, constraints, and system interactions.

 4.Software Requirement Validation


  • To ensure that the requirements are correct, complete, feasible, and aligned with the stakeholders’ needs.


  • Requirements Reviews/Inspections: Systematic examination of the requirements document to find errors or inconsistencies.
  • Prototyping: Creating an initial version of the system to visualize requirements and gather feedback.
  • Test-case Generation: Developing test cases to ensure requirements are testable and verifiable.
  • Automated Consistency Analysis: Using tools to check for inconsistencies and conflicts in the requirements.

 5. Software Requirement Management


  • Handling changes in requirements throughout the development lifecycle and ensuring the system meets evolving business needs.


  •  Managing changes due to evolving business contexts or technology.
  •  Prioritizing requirements based on stakeholder needs and system constraints.
  •  Keeping track of the impact of changes on the overall system.

 Prerequisites for Effective Software Requirements


  • Clear: Requirements should be understandable without ambiguity.
  • Correct: Requirements must accurately reflect stakeholder needs and be feasible.
  • Consistent: Avoid contradictions within the requirements.
  • Coherent: Requirements should logically fit together.
  • Comprehensible: Easy to understand for all stakeholders.
  • Modifiable: Easy to update as needed.
  • Verifiable: Must be testable to confirm that they are met.
  • Prioritized: Should be ranked based on importance and impact.
  • Unambiguous: No room for misinterpretation.
  • Traceable: Each requirement should be traceable to its origin and implementation. 

Categories of Software Requirements

Functional Requirements:

  •  Define what the system should do, focusing on behaviors and functions.
  •  Examples: User authentication, data processing tasks.

Non-functional Requirements:

  •  Define how the system performs its functions, focusing on qualities such as performance, security, and usability.
  • education  Qualities :Security, usability, reliability observed at runtime.
  • Evolution Qualities: Testability, maintainability, extensibility, and scalability inherent in the system’s design.
  • Understanding and managing these aspects effectively ensures that the final software system aligns with user expectations and business goals, leading to a successful and sustainable product.

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