What is GITHUB


What is GitHub

GitHub is a comprehensive platform for code hosting that supports version control and enables collaboration among developers. It integrates the distributed version control and source code management (SCM) features of Git, allowing teams to work together on projects seamlessly. Additionally, GitHub offers a range of collaboration tools, including bug tracking, feature requests, and task management, making it easier to manage and contribute to projects.

Advantages of GitHub

GitHub can be divided into two parts: Git and the Hub. The GitHub service provides access controls and includes collaboration features such as task management, repository hosting, and team management.

1. It is easy to contribute to open source projects via GitHub.
2. It helps to create excellent documentation.
3. You can attract recruiters by showcasing your work. Having a profile on GitHub increases your chances of being recruited.
4. It allows your work to gain visibility in front of the public.
5. You can track changes in your code across different versions.

Features of GitHub

GitHub is a platform where programmers and designers collaborate, contribute, and fix bugs together. It hosts numerous open source projects and code in various programming languages.

  • Collaboration
  • Integrated issue and bug tracking
  • Graphical representation of branches
  • Git repositories hosting
  • Project management
  • Team management
  • Code hosting
  • Track and assign tasks
  • Converstions
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