M Kesavan

Advantages Over RDBMS 

  • Recently, MongoDB has become a popular and widely used database. It is a document-based, non-relational database provider.
  • While MongoDB is up to 100 times faster than traditional databases, it's still too early to say it will fully replace traditional RDBMS. However, it offers significant benefits in terms of performance and scalability.
  • A relational database features a defined schema that outlines the number of tables and their relationships, whereas MongoDB does not utilize a concept of relationships between data.

MongoDB Advantages 

  1.  MongoDB is schema-less, allowing a single collection to store various types of documents.
  2.  Documents within the same collection can vary in fields, content, and size.
  3. The structure of individual objects is easily understood in MongoDB.
  4.  MongoDB does not require complex joins
  5. It supports deep queries with powerful dynamic query capabilities on documents.
  6.  Scaling MongoDB is straightforward.
  7. MongoDB uses internal memory to store working sets, enabling fast access.

Distinctive features MongoDB

  • Easy to use
  • Lightweight
  • Significantly faster than traditional RDBMS

Where MongoDB Should be Used 

  1.  Large and complex data 
  2.  Mobile and social infrastructure  
  3. Content management and distribution  
  4.  User data management  
  5. Data hub

Performance analysis of MongoDB and RDBMS 

  1. In relational databases (RDBMS), tables are used for storage, whereas MongoDB uses collections.
  2. In RDBMS, data is organized into multiple schemas with tables, while MongoDB is a document-oriented database where data is stored in BSON format, similar to JSON.
  3. MongoDB is nearly 100 times faster than traditional database systems.


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