CSS Background Attachment

The background-attachment property controls whether the background image is fixed or scrolls along with the rest of the page in the browser window.

This property has three possible values: scroll, fixed, and local. By default, the value is set to scroll, meaning the background image does not move with the content. When set to local, the background image scrolls along with the content. If set to fixed, the background image remains stationary during scrolling.

This property also supports multiple background images. You can assign different values to the background-attachment property for each background image by separating them with commas. Each image will correspond to its specific value.


background-attachment: scroll | fixed | local | initial | inherit;

The values of this property are described as follows:

Property values

The background-attachment property in CSS controls whether a background image moves with the content or remains fixed. It can accept any of the following values:


This is the default setting. As the user scrolls down the page, the background image moves along with the content.

background-attachment: scroll;


The background image remains stationary regardless of how far the user scrolls. This creates a "fixed" background effect.

background-attachment: fixed;


The background image scrolls with the content of the element, not the entire page. This is especially useful when applying background images to elements with a fixed size, such as those with a defined height and overflow set to scroll.

background-attachment: local;


Resets the property to its default value.



Takes the value from its parent element.

background-attachment: initial;


Example 1

Here’s an example of how it can be applied in a CSS rule:

body {
  background-image: url('background.jpg');
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-size: cover; /* Optional: Defines how the background image should be sized */

In this example, the background image is set to 'background.jpg,' and because of the background-attachment: fixed; property, it will remain fixed while the user scrolls down the page. To ensure the background image covers the entire element, you can use the optional background-size: cover; property.

Keep in mind that different browsers, especially older ones, may handle the background-attachment property differently. If cross-browser compatibility is important for your project, make sure to test it across various browsers.

Parallax Effect: The background-attachment: fixed; property is often used to create a parallax effect. As the user scrolls, the background images move at a different speed than the foreground content, giving the illusion of depth.

Performance Considerations: While the parallax effect can enhance a website's visual appeal, it's essential to consider performance, especially on mobile devices. On some devices, fixed background images can impact scrolling performance and increase memory usage.

Shorthand Property: The shorthand background property allows you to define multiple background-related properties in one line, including the background-attachment property.

Here’s an example of the code:

body {
  background: url('background.jpg') fixed no-repeat center center / cover;

In this example, center / cover specifies the positioning and size of the background image, fixed relates to the background-attachment, and no-repeat means the background image will not be repeated.

Multiple Backgrounds: When using the background property for multiple background images, you can assign different background-attachment values to each image.

For Example

In this example, the first background image is centered at the top, covers the entire element, and is fixed in place. The second background image is positioned at the bottom left of the element and scrolls with the content.

body {
  background: url('background1.jpg') fixed center top / cover, url('background2.jpg') scroll left bottom / contain;

Remember that the effectiveness of the background-attachment property will depend on the design goals and user experience considerations specific to your project. To achieve a consistent and visually appealing result, it's important to experiment and test across different browsers and devices.

Browser Support and Compatibility: While most modern browsers support background-attachment, it’s essential to check compatibility, especially if your project needs to work with older browsers. Keep in mind that some mobile browsers may not handle fixed backgrounds the same way.

Scrolling Elements: You can apply the background-attachment property to elements other than the body. For instance, you can set a fixed background for a specific section of your webpage to create a distinctive visual effect.

.hero-section {
  background-attachment: fixed;
  background-size: cover;

Combining with Other Background Properties: You can achieve more precise control over your background images by using background-attachment alongside other background-related properties, such as background-position and background-size.

.header {
  background: url('header-background.jpg') fixed top center / auto 50%;

In this example, the background image is fixed, positioned at the top center, and its size is set to 50% of the container's height with an automatic width.

Example 2

In this example, we are using the scroll value for the background-attachment property, which is the default behavior. This means that when the page is scrolled, the background image moves along with it.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>background-attachment Property</title>
 #example {
    background-image: url("img2.jpg");
    font-size: 35px;
    border: 4px solid red;
    color: white;
    background-position: center;
    background-color: green;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: scroll;
<h1>background-attachment: scroll;</h1>
<p>If there is no scrollbar on your screen, try resizing the browser window to see the effect.</p>
<div id="example">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Soluta molestiae adipisci maxime voluptatum obcaecati quis recusandae omnis voluptate tenetur? Cupiditate ipsum dolores vero mollitia, voluptatibus reprehenderit illum alias exercitationem, necessitatibus earum velit similique harum? Iusto magnam quisquam ut doloribus officia!


Example 3 using fixed value

In this example, we are using the fixed value for the background-attachment property. This means the background image stays in place and does not move when the rest of the document is scrolled.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>background-attachment Property</title>
 #example {
   background-image: url("img2.jpg");
   font-size: 35px;
   border: 4px solid red;
   color: white;
   background-position: center;
   background-color: green;
   background-repeat: no-repeat;
   background-attachment: fixed;
<h1>background-attachment: fixed;</h1>
<p>If there is no scrollbar on your screen, try resizing the browser window to see the effect.</p>
<div id="example">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Soluta molestiae adipisci maxime voluptatum obcaecati quis recusandae omnis voluptate tenetur? Cupiditate ipsum dolores vero mollitia, voluptatibus reprehenderit illum alias exercitationem, necessitatibus earum velit similique harum? Iusto magnam quisquam ut doloribus officia!


Example 4 using local value

In this example, we are using the local value for the background-attachment property. This means the background image will scroll along with the content of the element.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>background-attachment Property</title>
 #example {
    background-image: url("img2.jpg");
    font-size: 35px;
    border: 4px solid red;
    color: white;
    background-position: center;
    background-color: green;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: local;
<h1>background-attachment: local;</h1>
<p>If there is no scrollbar on your screen, try resizing the browser window to see the effect.</p>
<div id="example">
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Soluta molestiae adipisci maxime voluptatum obcaecati quis recusandae omnis voluptate tenetur? Cupiditate ipsum dolores vero mollitia, voluptatibus reprehenderit illum alias exercitationem, necessitatibus earum velit similique harum? Iusto magnam quisquam ut doloribus officia!


Now, let’s look at another example where we use multiple background images for an element.

Example 5

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>background-attachment Property</title>
 #example {
    background-image: url("img2.jpg"), url("img1.jpg");
    height: 500px;
    border: 4px solid red;
    background-position: center;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-attachment: fixed, scroll;
<h1>background-attachment: scroll;</h1>
<p>If there is no scrollbar on your screen, try resizing the browser window to see the effect.</p>
<div id="example"></div>



In conclusion, you can control how a background image behaves when users scroll through a webpage using the background-attachment property in CSS. The options include scroll, which makes the image move with the content; fixed, which creates a stationary background effect; local, which allows the background to scroll within an element; initial, which sets it to the default behavior; and inherit, which lets it inherit the value from its parent. Choose the appropriate value based on the visual effect you want for your website or web application.
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