
MySQL Datatype

In MySQL, each table in a database consists of multiple columns, with each column assigned a specific data type that dictates the kind of data it can hold, the operations that can be performed on it, and how that data is stored 

In MySQL, the characteristics used to determine the data type include:

  • The kind of values it can store: Whether the values are of fixed length (like CHAR) or variable length (like VARCHAR)
  • The storage requirements: This depends on whether the data type is fixed-length or variable-length
  • Indexing capabilities: Some data types support indexing, which affects query performance
  • Comparison methods: Different data types have specific rules for how MySQL compares values
MySQL supports a wide range of SQL standard data types, which can be categorized into several groups: numeric types, date and time types, string types, spatial types, and JSON data types

Numeric Datatype

MySQL provides a comprehensive set of SQL numeric data types. These include exact numeric types, such as integers and decimals, as well as approximate numeric types like float, real, and double precision. Additionally, MySQL supports the BIT data type for storing bit values. Numeric data types in MySQL can be classified into two categories: signed and unsigned, with the exception of the BIT data type, which does not have this classification.

Below lists all the numeric data types supported by MySQL

Date and Time Data Type 

In MySQL, temporal data types like `DATE`, `TIME`, `DATETIME`, `TIMESTAMP`, and `YEAR` are used to store dates and times. Each of these types has a default value, which is zero or a similar placeholder, if an invalid value is inserted. When an invalid value is entered, MySQL cannot store it as intended and instead uses this default zero value to represent it.

The table below outlines the various date and time data types available in MySQL

String Data Types:

The string data type in MySQL is designed to store plain text and binary data, such as files and images. MySQL can search and compare string values using pattern matching techniques, including the LIKE operator and regular expressions.
The table below outlines all the string data types available in MySQL
Certainly! Here’s an alternative phrasing for that statement:

The following table outlines the various string data types available in MySQL

Binary Large Object Data Types (BLOB):

In MySQL, the BLOB data type is used to store large amounts of binary data. BLOBs are classified into four distinct types, each defined by the maximum size of data they can accommodate 

The table below lists all the Binary Large Object (BLOB) data types available in MySQL

Spatial Data Types

This is a specialized data type designed to store different types of geometric and geographic values. It aligns with the classes defined by OpenGIS standards.

The table below lists all the spatial data types supported by MySQL

JSON Data Type

MySQL introduced native support for the JSON data type starting with version 5.7.8. This data type enables efficient storage and retrieval of JSON documents.

Here are some benefits of using the JSON data type compared to storing JSON-formatted strings in a regular text column:

  1. Automatic Validation: JSON data type ensures that only valid JSON documents are stored. Attempting to insert invalid JSON will result in an error.
  2. Optimized Storage: The JSON data type uses a specialized format that optimizes both space and performance for storing JSON data.

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