Kiruthika M

State vs Props


    The state is an updatable structure within a component that holds data or information and can change over time in response to user actions or system events. It is central to the component's functionality, influencing both its behavior and rendering. To maintain clarity and efficiency, the state should be kept as simple as possible. It represents the component's local data and can only be accessed or modified directly by the component itself.


    Props are read-only objects that store the values of attributes for a component, functioning similarly to HTML attributes. They enable the transfer of data between components, much like function arguments, and are passed to components in the same way arguments are passed to functions. Since props are immutable, they cannot be modified from within the component.

Difference Between State and Props

The table below will help you understand the differences between props and state.



Note: The component state and props share some similarities, which are outlined in the table below.

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